I have watched very little NFL football this season because of the player’s disrespect for the American fag in the early days of the season. I do know the upcoming Super Bowl is between New England and Philadelphia. A preacher friend of mine shared the following Facebook post that I pass on for your consideration.

In a soon to be released documentary on the life of New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady, the audience gets an inside look at the life of the fve tme Super Bowl champion’s life. Basically there are only two things that mater in Brady’s life, football and family. Whether you like him or not, there’s no other player that is more committed to winning and preparing than Brady. He follows a 12 – month grueling training regiment. His dietary and sleeping habits are well documented. He doesn’t party and won’t have as much as a single beer during the season. I heard former NFL great Tony Gonzales say: “Tom is 100% dedicated to football. Most players, even the great ones are only 65 to 75% sold out.” In other words, no one puts more into his craft than Brady.

In that documentary, Brady made the following statement: “If you want to beat me, you have to be willing to give up your life.” That’s a pretty staggering declaration. One must give up their life. The reality is, very few players are willing to make that sacrifice.

In a similar sense, Jesus said the same thing about what it takes to follow him. “One has to deny themselves and take up their cross daily and follow him.” He said “we fnd our lives by losing it.” On another occasion he suggested: “Straight is the gate and narrow is the way.” In other words, our Lord demands 100% commitment. Unfortunately, very few are willing to make that sacrifice.

Brady will totally dedicate himself to a cause that will soon come to an end. We believers won’t dedicate ourselves to something that has no end. No wonder the Patriots keep winning and the church and Christianity keep regressing. No commitment to what we know is true and everlasting. How sad is that?

Devotedly yours,
Bro. Tommy