Joshua 13:1 says, Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the Lord said to him: You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed. How would you like to receive the message Joshua received? You had stepped up and fulfilled what God had called you to do in leading His people into the Promise Land, and then the Lord says this to you. It is first of all a word of Reality. It is believed Joshua’s age is somewhere between 90 and 100. It is also a word of Redeployment as there is still work that needs to be done. As we seek to continue to minister during this time of COVID-19, we need to remember there are…

  • Souls that need to be saved. People are still dying without Jesus Christ. Who has God placed on your heart to reach for Christ? If you can’t name someone, pray for a burden.
  • Prayers need to be prayed. How is your prayer life? Unfortunately, I have observed and heard of those who have taken a spiritual step back during this time of the pandemic. A vibrant and growing prayer life will keep Christians moving forward in their spiritual life.
  • Scriptures that need to be studied. A Christian will not grow without a daily diet of God’s Word.
  • Many that still need ministry. Folks need to be encouraged and admonished in the Lord.
  • A Savior to Serve – Stay faithful in your service for the Lord.

As we move into August, our plans are to add an adult Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 6:00. We will gather in the Worship Center and this will allow us to spread out as we pray and study the Word of God.
Bro. Tommy