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Dear Mississippi Baptists,

The Mississippi Baptist Convention will be in session at First Baptist Church, Jackson, October 29-30, 2019. While everybody may not be able to come as a messenger, everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the blessings of the Lord. It is a great time of fellowship, renewal and worship. Of course, there will be business moments as the 2020 Budget is considered and as we elect officers. We do business and stay focused on the fact it is the King’s business. Regardless of what is taking place in the Convention, we will be focused on all of us as Mississippi Baptists bowing before the Lord and asking Him to lift us up. Maybe you have come in the past but do not come anymore or maybe you have never been to the Convention. I would hope that for either one, two or all of the sessions you would make an effort to come and enjoy. You will be blessed by the reports of what God is doing among His people, the beautiful music, and the Bible teaching and preaching that will bless your heart while lifting high our Lord Jesus. I will see you there!

Jim Futral

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