Fall Retreat @ Camp Garaywa

Camp Garaywa 312 Camp Garaywa Rd, Clinton, MS, United States

Leave Friday at 4:30 p.m.; Return Sunday at 1:15 p.m. Cost: $90 Sign up with Jeremy; register and pay in the FLC [READ MORE]

Fall Picnic

Cypress Point Cypress Point Road, Sardis, MS, United States

Hamburgers and hotdogs will be provided and served around 5:00 p.m. Please bring sides and drinks to share. Come early for fun [READ MORE]

Men’s Prayer Breakfast

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

The Men's Ministry Prayer Breakfast is this Sunday, October 21 at 7:45 a.m. in the Family Life Center. Batesville Police Chief, Jimmy [READ MORE]

Ladies Ministry Night Out “LMNO”

Family Life Center 104 Panola Avenue, Batesville, MS, United States

Marni McKenzie will be the guest speaker and Rachel Linder is our soloist. Dinner is being catered by Simply Sullivants. Sunday, October [READ MORE]

Week of Prayer for International Missions

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Goal: $50,000 The Story of Lottie Moon In the 1800s, a missionary named Lottie Moon wrote letters from [READ MORE]

Christmas Party in the FLC

Family Life Center 104 Panola Avenue, Batesville, MS, United States

Dress in tacky Christmas attire; bring a $5 gift labeled for a boy or girl to play white elephant

Children’s Musical

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Children's Musical at 6 p.m.

Adult Choir Musical

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Fellowship Meal

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

$5 Adults • $3 children/students • $15 Family Maximum •Please make reservations/cancellations by Tuesdays at noon or get on the permanent meal [READ MORE]

Memphis Rox & Jerry Sno Cones

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Leave at 4 p.m.; Bring $20 and wear clothes/shoes to climb rock wall