Student Life for Kids Camp

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

June 15-18 Shocco Springs Conference Center; Talladega, AL Cost: $150 Deposit (nonrefundable) of $100 is due March 1 2nd Deposit of $50 [READ MORE]

Ladies Ministry Night Out

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Tickets - $10 Deadline June 16, 2019 Speaker * Jennifer Crawford Walker “Turquoise-Tinted Living” Soloist * Tiffany Houston Testimony * Holly Pearson [READ MORE]

Basketball & Cheerleading Camp July 10-12

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Grades 1-5 (completed) Contact Jeremy at 662.415.6620 or register in the office. No Registration Fee 40 person limit (basketball) 2 0 person [READ MORE]

Explorer’s Bible Study National Conference

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Since 1976 Explorer’s Bible Study (EBS) has brought in-depth Bible Study to communities around the globe. Scores of people have had their [READ MORE]

Dancing Dan the Banjo Man

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

Dancing Dan the Banjo Man with his traveling chapel will be here Sunday, August 11 for our RAs, GAs, & Mission Friends [READ MORE]

Promotion Sunday

First Baptist Church Batesville 104 Panola Ave, Batesville, MS, United States

This is the time of year when children move up to a new Sunday school class, and some children move into our [READ MORE]