Student Ministry News – December 2020
Church Family, Thank you for your prayers while traveling to Guatemala. Ahava Ministries has a special place in my heart, and I [READ MORE]
Church Family, Thank you for your prayers while traveling to Guatemala. Ahava Ministries has a special place in my heart, and I [READ MORE]
We have the blessed opportunity to go to the polls on November 3 and exercise our constitutional right to vote for those [READ MORE]
I told someone recently the biggest waste of money for 2020 was the money I spent on a planner. Planning consists of [READ MORE]
Wednesday Nights Only in September 6:00-7:00 p.m. 4 year olds through 5th grade In the Green Room upstairs Volunteers needed. Please contact [READ MORE]
I know you join with me in expressing appreciation to Bro. Mark and Gale for 13 years of service at First Baptist [READ MORE]
Listed below are items needed to pack boxes. A bin is in the foyer for any donations. If you would like to [READ MORE]
Margaret Lackey was employed as the first salaried secretary of Mississippi WMU in 1912. She served WMU and missions well for nearly [READ MORE]
Sermon notes are updated on a weekly basis and can be viewed during the service or at home using your smartphone, tablet, [READ MORE]
The Children and Youth Ministries are hosting a school supply fundraiser! These ministries have already purchased necessary school supplies for children within [READ MORE]
Joshua 13:1 says, Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the Lord said to him: You are old, advanced in years, [READ MORE]