How beautiful was that snow! Oh, how it showed God’s glory and majesty through His mighty creation! I do believe there will be a snow section in Heaven that is not cold or dangerously icy! I sledded so much I was sore in muscles I didn’t know I had!
You might ask what is going on upstairs in the children’s ministry? We are having a blast studying God’s Word, the mind of God. Oh what joy we find studying and learning about Him! Each Wednesday at 6 p.m., we have K4-5th graders. We are going through a series called the 7 C’s of Creation. This series promotes a Biblical worldview in the hearts and minds of our children.
Each Sunday morning at 10:30, we are working through Bible Study lessons on the Life of our Lord. We are studying Jesus’ ministry here on earth and how He proved how much He loved us by becoming a Man and coming here to pay our sin debt. We are also studying how He proved Who He was/is through His miracles! The children are excited each week as they walk through the door. How we all need to be like those children! (Matthew 18:3)
Summer Camp is approaching and sign-ups will begin soon! Children in grades 1-5, mark your calendar for July 15-17. Please watch out for news in the weekly bulletin as well as the Reminds.
In Christ,
Miss Jennifer