Keenagers Monthly Luncheon Meetings

After our summer break from our monthly meetings, our Keenager monthly luncheons will resume on Tuesday, September 4. As usual, we will begin with a potluck lunch in the FLC. Fried chicken, tea, and rolls are always provided, and we ask those who come to enjoy this time of food, fellowship and program to bring a covered dish for all to enjoy.

Batesville Area Senior Adult Choir

“How Great Our Joy” is the title of our 2018 Christmas musical. I look forward to getting started with rehearsals on Monday, September 10 at 10:30 a.m. I want to encourage all participants from past years to join us as we begin our rehearsals to learn the music for this year. New members are encouraged to join us! If you are available to rehearse on Mondays at 10:30, come join the fun!

Daytime Visitation Ministry

Last spring we began this ministry, and I’ve heard from many people what a blessing it has been to those who were visited and those who made the visits. The purpose of this ministry is to make daytime visits to those members of our church who are not physically able to get out and about in their everyday lives.

Those who go out to make visits meet in the conference room at 2:00 p.m. on the second Tuesday of each month, receive their assignments for the day, and then go out to bless and be blessed! There are several who are faithful to join together each month for this ministry, but others are always welcome! If your schedule allows you to join us, I encourage you to participate.