Dear Church Family:

As the church moves through the selection process of a new nominating committee, I want to plant a seed in the minds of our members:

We need Bible teachers.

At present, we need a teacher for two year olds. We have the space, but we need a God-called teacher to nurture these little ones during the Sunday School hour. Also, I have been praying for nearly two years now for God to raise up a teacher (could be a couple) to lead a singles ministry here at FBC that would also reach out into the community in ministering to singles.

There is such a need for ministry to singles, and such an opportunity to reach those who are struggling with life with that greatest of all messages: the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There are other teaching opportunities that already exist (and are emerging!). If you receive joy and purpose from studying the Word of God and sharing its rich, eternal truths with others, you may have the spiritual gift of teaching. If that is you, and you sense God’s calling for ministry in this critical area of Bible teacher, contact me and we will have prayer and discussion on this matter.

In Christian love,
